How to split a dual layer DVD to 2 DVD-Rs
Here's a solution for splitting a DVD to 2 DVD-R's, posted in a DVD-forum by WZ_Man
I did not test this method my self yet, so I can't answer any questions on that.Well, after some experimentation, I think I have come up with a pretty good solution for those of you who do not want to lost quality with your dvd rip by transcoding it to a lower bit rate.
The downside is that it takes 2 DVDs and you have to swap movies half way through. I don't see this being too much of a downside since DVD-Rs are fairly cheap and you need a food/restroom break in the movie, right?
On a side note, this method is only for the movie only, none of the extras or menus are included.. (Personally, I don't care to have these)
Anyway.. here is a step by step approach. I have only tried this with one movie, Phantom Menace, but it should work for them all..
1. Rip the DVD with smart ripper. Do stream processing and only select the first half of the chapters. Also, select copy ifo files
2. Rip the 2nd part of the DVD by selecting the other half of the chapters
3. load up ifoedit (what a wonderful tool) and open the .ifo file that is in the directory of the first DVD
4. Hit Get VTS Sectors and then click on the VOB Extras
5. Select everything but re-mux.
6. Select your new destination directory
7. Let ifoedit do its thing
8. Click Get VTS Sectors on both of the new ifo files that ifoedit generated. (VTS_01_0.IFO and VIDEO_TS.IFO)
9. Make sure you save them
10. All done, test it with your favorite DVD player
Burn it!
This keeps in tact all of the Chapters and plays on a stand-alone DVD player.
Now, for the second DVD
1. Put in "Dummy" VTS_0X_X.VOB files for the missing VOB files. This is due to ifoedit not working correctly if it doesn't find these.
Maybe Derrow can add this into ifoedit? so you don't have to create dummy files? I am not sure.. anyway...
The rest of the steps are the same.
Hope this helps all