Hacking/opening Garage/Car/Barrier using a Raspberry Pi or Flipper zero (Rolling Code Keeloq AES)

(Page last updated: Dez 05, 2024)

Here is a solution to open any garage door, gate, barrier or car, using any frequency from 0 to 1500 MHz, and using the modulation types AM and FM.

An Android App is making it possible to control a Raspberry Pi via Bluetooth, and handling all keyless remote entry systems on the market.


Quick Jump:

Connecting CC1101 Module
Connecting 433 MHz Module
Supported Remotes
Android App
Setting up Raspberry Pi
Pairing Pi and Android Phone
Cloning/Copying/Grabbing a Remote Control
Cloning/Copying a BFT Remote
Cloning/Copying a FAAC / Genius Amigo Remote
Creating a Keeloq-Remote manually
Brute Forcing a Garage Door
Automatically open approaching Garage in close range 
View / Edit Remote DIP Settings
Remote learning new remotes to receiver with 1 click
Requesting a Seed Brute-Force using the Android App
How Rolling Code Remotes are working
Flipper zero support:
Recovering FAAC Seed-Code using Flipper and Android App
Flipper zero Keeloq devicekey usage
Automatic Flipper rolling code .sub file creation
Automatic analyzing of Flipper RAW sub files with Raspberry Pi
Flipper zero support facts
Discord support forum
Warning about official Flipper zero forum deleting good posts
Gadgets / Hacks:
Motorbike module gadget for Keeloq remotes

In cooperation with PandwaRF: 

In cooperation with Flipper zero:


Fixed Code Remote Brute Forcing:

This is useful if you have lost all of your remotes to your garage. (Which happens quite a lot )

Brute Force attack is possible for all fixed code remotes which are using up to 20 bits for the code, which are:

Came, Tedsen, Kaeuferle, Nice, Ruku / Ansonic, Tormatic, Cardin, Dickert, Endress, Marantec, Hoermann, Einhell, Berner, Chamberlain, Rademacher, CDS, Bosch 12 DIP, Bosch 20 DIP.

Supported Fixed-Code Remote details can be seen here: Remote Cloner Compatibility List.


Supported fixed code remotes for copying/generating:

Below list is only a part of known/supported Brands/Vendors.
Much more Brands/Vendors are using same transmissions and are supported too.

Fixed Code Remotes

Brand/Vendor Models Freqs DIP switch


Hormann DH01 / HSM4 26.975 AM 10
Bosch 26.975 AM / 26.995 AM / 40.685 AM 12 / 20 + 2
Berner / Tedsen SM 26.985 AM 9 tri-DIP
Endress BW27 26.985 AM 10
Einhell 26.995 AM 10 tri-DIP
Kauferle/Dickert TX27 / MAHS27 / AHS27 / DX27 27.015 AM 10
Marantec 27.045 AM 10
Nice K1/K4 27.120 AM 10
Chamberlain/Liftmaster 750E 27.145 FM
Chamberlain/Liftmaster 751E 27.145 FM 9
Cardin S466 27.195 AM 9 tri-DIP + 2
Ruku/Ansonic SA40 40.685 AM 10
Ruku/Ansonic SF40 40.662  FM 10
Dickert MAHS40 / AHS40 / DX40 40.685 AM 10
Dickert FHS10 / FHS20 40.685 FM 0
Wecla 806011 40.685 AM 12
Rademacher Rator 40 40.685 AM 10
SMD LW40HS98 40.685 AM 10
Sommer 4050 40.685 AM
Dorma/Tormatic 40.685 FM 10
Toko TO40TX same as Dorma/Tormatic 40.685 FM 10
Linear 310.00 AM 8
Multicode 310.00 AM 12
Stanley 310.00 AM 12
Fadini Astro 314.35 AM 10
Pulsar 318.00 AM 9
Liftmaster 1 DIP / 4 DIP 389.9 AM 9 tri-DIP
Overhead 390 AM 9 tri-DIP
Liftmaster 60K 433.92 AM
Dickert MAHS433 433.92 AM 10 tri-DIP
Dickert S10 433.92 AM 0
Ruku/Ansonic SA434 433.92 AM 10
Ruku/Ansonic SF433 433.92 FM 10
Ruku/Ansonic SA868 433.92 AM 10
Hormann HSM4 / BiSecur in HSM4 mode 40.685 / 433.92 / 868.3 AM
Marantec/Alulux 433.92 AM
Came Top models 433.92 AM 10
Tedsen/Berner/Elka SKX 433.92 AM 9 tri-DIP
Nice Flo 433.92 AM 10
Kauferle/Dickert TX433 / MAHS433 433.92 AM 10
Chamberlain/Liftmaster 433.92 AM
Ducati 433.92 AM 10
Doepke 433.92 AM 10
Dorma/Tormatic HD43 433.92 AM 10
Cardin S476-TX2 433.92 AM 9 tri-DIP + 2
FAAC TM433 433.92 AM 12
Intertechno ITS150 433.92 AM 16
Brennenstuhl RCS 1000SN 433.92 AM 5
SMC 5326 433.92 AM 8
Unitec EIM-821 433.92 AM 5
Intertec 50074 433.92 AM
Voltomat 24687005 433.92 AM
Princeton 25 bit 433.92 AM
Berner BHS140 868.3 AM
Dickert S10 868.3 AM 10


Following Rolling code remotes can be detected/created/copied:

Keeloq Remotes

Brand/Vendor Models Encryption/Decryption remote learning Flipper support
ACM TX2 / TX4 simple custom bit

ADYX 433-HG Bravo      
AERF Compact / Hy-dom / Sabuton / Saturn / ST /Terra / Tmp / Unitech custom 10 bit    
Allmatic Bro.Over / Brown / Brown Mini / Pass / Tech simple 10 bit
Alutech custom
Ansonic SA 868 R simple 10 bit
Aperto TX4020 / TX03 normal 10 bit
Aprimatic TR / TM 4 / TX-E / TX2P / TX4S / TXM simple 10 bit
ATA PTX4 normal 12 bit
Balan 4013 / BFM 404 / FM404 / S435 / S449
Beninca Apple / Cupido / Azul / IO / LOT WCV / Rollkey / T4WK / T4WV / Togo WK/WV simple XOR
Bernal TX Pico B 440.504-S1 868.5 MHz (not fully supported yet) normal custom bit
Beta 2011 normal 10 bit
BFT B-RCA / BRC-B / Mitto / TRC / Kleio / RB secure 32 bit Seed 10 bit
Breda 4013
Casali JA33 Amigo
Casit Be Happy RS / MTE / VTM
Came Space simple 10 bit
Came Space 2 simple 10 bit custom CRC
Cardin S449 / S486 normal (10 bit receiver/12bit remote)
Celinsa Movecode / X-2 / Z-2 simple 12 bit
Centurion NOVA-TX normal 10 bit
Clemsa Mutancode / Mutancode Mini normal 12 bit
Comunello Keep 2/4 / Victor 2/4 normal 10 bit
Crawford EA433K/KM / T-433 simple 10 bit
Cyacsa Neo / Twin
Dea GT2 / Genie R 273 / GOLDR / MIO TR / Punto simple 10 bit
Detumando DTM Roll normal (10?) bit
Dickert S10 A4K00 simple 8 bit
Dickert S8Q 868 Mhz simple 8 bit
Dmil Neo / Twin
Doorhan TX simple 10 bit
Doorking MicroPLUS 318 MHz (not fully supported yet) normal
Doormatic Mileny normal 10 bit
DTM Neo / Tip  / Victory simple 12 bit
Ecostar RSC2 / RSE2 / RSZ normal 10 bit
Eikia custom
Elmes DWB100HT / UMB100HT
Elemat Hibrid Plus / Twin
Elvox ERT / ETR normal 10 bit
Emetteur TX 43-2 02035231332 (French unknown Brand) simple 10/12 bit
EMFA MAP / Neo / Twin
Erreka IRIS / LIRA / Roller / SOL / Vega secure 32 bit Seed 8 bit
ET System Blue / Mix normal 10 bit
ETDOOR Maguisa / Mimosa custom
Extel ATEM800021
FAAC RC normal 12 bit
FAAC SLH / XT2 (greetings to Silvia ) secure 32 bit Seed 12 bit
Fadini Birio / Jubi / SITI simple 12 bit
Forsa Neo / Twin
Genie custom
Genius Bravo normal 10 bit
Genius Echo / Kilo normal 12 bit
Genius Amigo secure 32 bit Seed 12 bit
Gibidi AU1600 / AU1680 / Domino simple 10 bit
GSN TR 300 / TR 500 / TX normal 10 bit
Hato T3498 normal 12 bit
HCS FAAC same as FAAC-RC secure 32 bit Seed 12 bit
HCS101 same as Pax custom
IL-100 same as Sea simple 10 bit
IronLogic simple 10 bit
Jarolift normal 10 bit
JCM Neo RC / Go Pro / Twin / Cubells / Forsa / DMIL / HYDOM / Hybrid simple 8 bit
Jolly Motor Tx Mini simple 10 bit
Key SUB-44R / PLAY4R / TXG-44R / TXB-44R simple / custom bit
Kinggates Stylo 4 K simple 8 bit
Ligur same as Schellenberg normal 12 bit
Linear HCT / MCT / ACT simple 10 bit
Mc Garcia simple 10 bit
Merlin normal custom  bit
MHouse GTX / GTXC / Moovo / RT3 / TX4 simple 8 bit
MHZ1100N same as Doorhan simple 10 bit
Motorlift 9433xE/EML
Motorline MX4SP normal 10 bit  
Neotech same as Space simple 10 bit
Nice Smilo simple 8 bit
No-Name Emetteur TX 43-2 02035231332 (French unknown Brand) simple 10/12 bit
No-Name HS-2 (Aldi/Lidl Remote) simple 8/10 bit
Normstahl RA3433 / RCU 2K / 4K / Entrematic / T433 normal 10 bit / simple 8 bit
Norton Neo / NOR 20 / TXCD
Nova same as Centurion normal 10 bit
Novoferm MHS43-02 / MxHS / Novotron 502 / 302 simple 10 bit
O&O TX-RC simple 8 bit
Open Out AU1600 / AU1680 / Domino
Pax-II / Pax-2E 600N / 800N / 1000N / 1200N custom
Pecinin 3C simple 12 bit
Proem ERC4/ACS
Profelm same as ETDoor custom
Proxima similiar to Key simple custom
Puertas Norton / Cubells / Roper / JCM 2nd custom 12 bit
Pujol Neo / Twin / Universal / Vario simple 8 bit / custom
Rademacher Rator 4385 (not fully supported yet) normal
RCG12C same as ATA PTX but 10 bit normal 10 bit
Rolltore MPSTP2E
Roper Neo simple 8 bit
Rosh simple 12 bit
Rossi CT simple 12 bit
Ruku SA 868 R simple 10 bit
Sanford normal 10 bit
Sabutom Bro / Broover / Brostar / Novo / Present / Compat / TT
Sea Head / Coccinella simple 10 bit
Seav Be Good / Be Smart / Be Happy RH/RS normal 12 bit
Schellenberg 60853 normal 12 bit
Schellenberg 60851 (not fully supported yet) normal
Silvelox ECO TSM2/4 simple 10 bit
Siminor CVXNL / Mitto / SIM433
Skymaster MHZ / TX4 simple 10 bit
Sommer 4020 TX03 / 4025 / 4026 / 4031 normal 10 bit
Space SP simple 10 bit
Stanley normal 12 bit / simple
Stagnoli Venus simple XOR
Starline A2-A4 / A6-A9 / B6-B9 custom bit
Steelmate normal 12 bit
Subaru custom 10 bit
Telcoma FM402 custom
Tormatic MCHS / MNHS / Novotron
Tormatic Black design 433 MHz (same Key as Novoferm) simple 10 or 12 bit
Tousek RS 433-TXR4 simple 10 bit
Toyota Rush simple 10 bit
Wayne Dalton TX02433 / Star 302/304 / E2F normal 12 bit / simple
Wisniowski Lunar / 4GO / Pulsar RTS normal 12 bit

-  Remote learning is automated in the Android App and can learn remotes to receivers with 1 click!


Keeloq Go Models

Brand/Vendor Models remote learning
Baleato Go
Caren Go
Collbaix Go
Cubells Go
CYACSA Go / Mini Go
Diasan Go
DMIL Go 2 / Go 4 / Mini Go
Elemat Go 2 / Go 4 / Mini Go
EMFA Go / Mini Go
Forsa Go 2 / Go 4 / Mini Go
Gibidi Go
Gycsa Go
Hibrid Go
Hydom Go
Imeba Go
JCM Go 2 / Go 4 / Mini Go
Noratek Go
Norton Go / Mini Go
Nueva Castilla Go
Portis Go
Roper Go 2 / Go 4 / Mini Go
Zibor Go


AES 128 bit Remotes

Brand/Vendor Models encoding
Beninca TO.GO 2/4 VA models AES 128 433.92 MHz ECB
Cardin S508 C2/C4 / TXQ508 C2/C4 128 bit custom encryption 868.35 MHz custom
Fadini vix 53 AES 128 868.19 MHz GFSK ECB
Fadini Red vix 53 AES 128 868.19 MHz GFSK ECB
Horman BiSecur 868.3 MHz AES 128 11 rounds custom
Normstahl Entrematic ZENP2MT/ZENP4MT AES128 868.35 MHz ECB
Sommer Pearl Somloq2 AES 128 868.95 MHz ECB
Somfy IO Homecontrol AES 128 ECB


Other Rolling Code Remotes

Brand/Vendor Models remote learning


Aprimatic TXM
Avidsen 104250 / 104257 / 104350 / 10470x / 654xxx / RMC
Came Atomo
Came Twin (10 Dip)
Cardin S435 / S437 TX / S438 TX
Cardin S508 C2/C4 / TXQ508 C2/C4 128 bit 868.35 MHz
Chamberlain 1 5433 / 75EML / 8433 / 9433
Chamberlain 2.0 89xLM / 89xMAX / 95xEV / TX4RUNI
Ditec BIX / GOL4
Horman BiSecur
Kinggates Stylo 4
Kinggates Stylo 4 K (Stylo 4 K is using Keeloq)
Liftmaster 8433 / 9433 / TX4RUNI
Nice Era-Flor / Ergo / FloR-S / INTI / On xE / Very
Normstahl Entrematic ZENP2MT/ZENP4MT AES128 encryption
Prastel BFOR / MPSTLE / MTE / TC4E
Ryobi GDA100 / GDA200 (not fully supported yet)
Sminn Balea / Duo / Duplo / Quatro
Somfy Keasy / Keytis / Telis
Tau 250 T4 / 250-K-SLIM-RP
V2 Handy / Match / Phoenix / Phox / TRC / TSC / TXC


Car Rolling Code Remotes Non-Keeloq

Brand/Vendor Models Protection
Kia K3 11-19 / K3S 14-19 / K5/Sportage R 15 / K4 13-16 crc8
Kia Sorento 2010 - 2017 none
Hyundai OKA-870T crc8
Subaru 2000 - 2006 Baja / Impreza / Legacy / Outback crc4
VW Golf  (signal reception-decoding only!) unknown
Audi (signal reception-decoding only!) unknown
Mercedes SL 500  (signal reception-decoding only!) unknown


Weather / Temperature - Devices

Brand/Vendor Models  


Auriol AFT77B2
Infactory TH
Hideki TS04
Solight TE44
Conrad S3318P
Digitech XC0324
Oregon THN132N
Nexus TH
La Crosse TX141THBv2
GT WT 02 WT02
Fineoffset WH2
Alecto V1
Ambientweather F007TH


Car  TPMS Tire-Pressure Sensors

Brand/Vendor Models  




Restaurant Food Pagers

Brand/Vendor Models  


LRS Coaster Call RX-CS6 / CS7 /  US 467.75 MHz
LRS Coaster Call RX-CS6 / CS7 /  DE 446.15625 MHz
LRS Coaster Call RX-CS6 / CS7 /  UK 459.1 MHz


Gas Station Price Sign

Brand/Vendor Models  


Olympian USA GL-OIL-RF (PT22xx operated 120 360 pulse lengths)



Also Check out the Remote Cloner Compatibility List.


Seed Code brute force is also possible for all Rolling Code Remotes using the Android App for these Seed Remotes:

BFT (all models), FAAC (XT/SLH), Genius Amigo, Erreka, SMiNN and Aprimatic TXM
The bruting takes just a few seconds using GPU processing.

For recovering the Seed-Code, see the guide for: Requesting a Seed Brute-Force using the Android App



How Rolling Code Remotes are working:


To avoid simple signal capturing and replaying of the same signal to enter your garage,
Rolling-code remotes are using a counter which is increasing by 1 with each button-press,
and are encrypting this new counter value before sending the signal over the air to the receiver.
The receiver is decrypting the current counter value, and prohibiting all recently used counter values before.

This means, if you create an exact copy of your remote, you won't be able to use both remotes properly.
If you use one remote for example for 10 times, the counter in the receiver will have increased by 10,
so your other remote won't work until you have pressed it 10 times to get it in sync.

That's why most regular Cloners don't make exact copies of Rolling-Code remotes, and use a different serial code for the copy,
which needs to be registered to the receiver first, to get it to work.

With this solution you will be able to create 100% copies of rolling code remotes,
but remember that the original remote will get out of sync!!!

(BTW: Same might apply, why your remote doesn't work anymore!
Somebody probably captured the signal of your remote with this solution, and increased the counter by about a 100 times ore more,
which makes your original remote useless!)


Some more technical info:

This is the scheme most rolling code vendors follow:

A remote signal consists basically of two values.

1 - serial number of this remote
2 - current sync value of this remote
3 - some vendors are creating kind of a CRC value in addition

Many remote vendors are sending the serial part in "clear" and the sync value part "encrypted".
But some vendors are scrambling the serial and sync part, which makes it hard to identify.

Anyhow, because of that scrambling and/or the encryption, there is no way to figure out how the next signal should look like, unless you know the algorithm to it.

With that information you might guess how receivers are handling multiple remotes.
Multiple remotes can be identified by their serial number.
At first the signal gets decrypted so the serial and sync values are in "clear".
If the serial number of the transmitted signal matches a serial number in the database of the receiver, then the sync value will be checked.
If the sync value is in a given range, the entry will be granted, and the sync value in the database will be updated to the new value.

Now you might understand why it's hard to use 2 identical remotes at the same time.




For sending only you will need a Raspberry Pi up to Version 3, or a Pi Zero.
Attention: Raspberry Pi 4 does not work, because of incompatibility with RPITX.
Update: Pi 4 is now supported too.
Also a Pi Zero is not the best choice, because it is very slow and might cause trouble in creating signal frames.

Plug a wire on GPIO 4, means Pin 7 of the GPIO header. This acts as the antenna.
The optimal length of the wire depends on the frequency you want to transmit on.

You can also add an external antenna like those 433 MHz antennas below:

Attention about sending signals with Raspberry Pi:
In most countries it might be restricted to use the Raspberry Pi as a sending device, especially on certain frequencies, because sending devices usually need a governmental certificate for transmitting signals over the air.
According to my experience, these laws are working on a try and get caught system.
So please check your local laws , and give your best to not get caught

Above does not apply for sending using a sending module for a specific frequency (like a 433 MHz module) or a CC1101 module.


For receiving signals, you will either need a RTL-SDR Stick, HackRF One, or a simple 433.92 MHz Module working with 3.3 Volt,
and most recently you can also use a CC1101 module.

Sold out on Ebay:

Bild 1 - RXB6 433Mhz Superheterodyne Funk Empfänger Modul Arduino Receiver FHEM Arduin... Bild 1 - CC1101 Module SMA Antenna Wireless RF Transceiver Module Arduino TE298 CP06017

Attention for CC1101: Do not purchase old  version 1 modules which have a green color and only 8 connectors!
Those modules have a very bad reception, and are a waste of money and time.
Only get new version 2 boards with blue color and 10 connectors!

Useful items:


You can connect a USB GPS mouse to the Raspberry PI.
This is useful if you are driving around with a car, and catching signals while driving.
Later at home you can see in the log file at what position and what time which signal was captured.


Russian code Grabbers:

Turbo Code Grabber:

This is the best code grabber of it all. It captures Keeloq/Marantec/Horman signals up to 100 meters right away.
I paid 300.- bucks for it. Nowadays they are trying to charge up to 1000.- bucks, which is ridicules.


Alpha Code Grabber:

Worst grabber of it all !
For Keeloq signals you have to press the remote button twice to capture the signal, so this grabber is not really satisfying for capturing foreign signals!
Do NOT buy this one!

Pandora Grabber:

Image of Intelligent code grabber PANDORA 2.4

Be careful with those.
There are some Pandora grabbers named as version 2.4, with a price range of 1000.- to 2000.- bucks,
which are using a public free firmware, and are not able to handle interesting remotes.
They mainly handle only Russian car alarm systems.

The other Russian Pandora models with a price range from 5000.- bucks and above, could be interesting, but only if you want to steel cars.


Connecting the CC1101 and Raspberry Pi SPI:

CC1101 moduleRaspberry PiPi Pin Nr Wiring Pi
VCC 3V3 17  
GND GND 20  
GD2 GPIO25 22 6
GD0 GPIO27 13 2
CSN SPI_CS0 24  
   Bild 1 - CC1101 Module SMA Antenna Wireless RF Transceiver Module Arduino TE298 CP06017



Note: The CC1101 can be used for receiving and sending!
Sending works now for AM and FM signals.
Official CC1101 Frequency bands: 300-348, 387-464, 779-928 MHz.
If the sending frequency does not fit into one of the CC1101 frequency bands, RPITX will be used automatically for sending.

In the config file: /home/pi/rf/rfcomm-server-cfg.ini you can enable the usage of this module, by setting the receive and sending pin to which you have connected GD2 and GD0 of this module:


The configuration: CC1101InitFreqConfig=1 uses a predefined frequency setting for the CC1101 at startup.

0 = 433 MHz optimized for Keeloq receiving
1 = 433 MHz FM optimized for Cardin FM Keeloq receiving
2 = 868.35 MHz with 500 Hz Bandwidth
3 = 868.35 MHz with 125 Hz Bandwidth
4 = 433.42 MHz for Somfy receiving
5 = 433 MHz optimized for sensitivity
6 = 310 MHz
7 = 315 MHz

Testing if the CC1101 module is working properly:

Start the Pi module, and you will immediately see that the CC1101 module gets tuned to the given frequency, and its registers get read and printed:

With the Android App, you can switch to a different configuration at any time:

The Android App also offers Menu-Entries to set a free chosen frequency, and to play around with the CC1101 registers:

Attention! There is no check if the chosen frequency is valid within the valid range of the CC1101 module!
Make sure you are choosing correct operating frequencies!


New feature added in version 1.5:

Using the CC1101 module for sending can now be enabled/disabled at any time:
(If disabled, RPITX is used for sending)


Connecting a 433 MHz Module and Raspberry Pi:

TransmitterReceiverRaspberry PiPi Pin Nr Wiring Pi
VCC VCC 3V3 1  
DATA   GPIO17 11 0
  DATA GPIO18 12 1
Bild 1 - RXB6 433Mhz Superheterodyne Funk Empfänger Modul Arduino Receiver FHEM Arduin... Bild 1 - 433 Mhz Sender Empfänger RF Funk Modul FS1000A xy-mk-5v Arduino Raspberry Pi

You can connect up to 3 different modules using different frquencies for receiving.
In the config file: /home/pi/rf/rfcomm-server-cfg.ini you can enable the usage of these modules, by setting the receive pin to which you have connected DATA of each module:

RecievePin1Name=Mod1 433AM
RecievePin2Name=Mod2 433FM
RecievePin3Name=Mod3 868

New in version 1.4:

You can connect up to 3 different modules using different frquencies for sending.
In the config file: /home/pi/rf/rfcomm-server-cfg.ini you can enable the usage of these modules, by setting the transmit pin to which you have connected DATA of each module:



Android App RF Remote:

Due to a lot of abuse, the Android App is no longer free.
It can be purchased in different bundles, and includes all further updates.
You can use paypal or Bitcoin:


Pay with Bitcoin now!

You will receive a download link for the Android App by email.
Because this process is not fully automated yet, it might take a while to receive this email.
Also please check your bulk/spam folder if the email went there!

If you purchased the basic version, you will have one Brand/Vendor included for free.
Each further Brand/Vendor can be purchased for 5.- US$

This App is programmed to work with Android versions 4.2 (Jelly Bean) and up, and is confirmed to work until version 11.
If you can confirm upcoming newer versions of Android, please let us know.

Refund policy for the App:
Once the App has been delivered, no refund will be issued at any time.

Refund policy for single remote vendors:
If the purchased vendor-system will not work for your garage/gate/car, you can ask for a refund.

The App is using permissions for Bluetooth, GPS location, write to external storage and phone accounts.

The permission for phone accounts is needed to retrieve the main email address of  your phone,
which will be used to authenticate to our servers, so you don't need to create a login and password.
Your other phone-contacts are never accessed by this app at any time!

GPS is used for many features which are provided by this app.
Bluetooth is needed to connect with your Pi.
Write to external storage is needed to backup and restore the database of your created garages/gates/cars.

You can also qualify for free vendors or full access in providing missing manufacturer keys or entire rolling code systems.


Getting started:

Installing the Android App:

Download the given zip file. Unzip the APK file inside, and transfer it somehow to your phone, either by using Bluetooth or USB file transfer.

In your Phone settings you will need to enable the option: Install unknown Apps in Security settings.
or check out this web-site for more info: https://www.lifewire.com/install-apk-on-android-4177185

Now locate the APK file with a file manager on your Android-Phone, and click on it to have it installed.


Setting up Raspberry Pi:

Setting up the Raspberry Pi is explained on a separate page here.


Cloning/Copying/Grabbing a Remote Control into the database:

To copy your own remote, connect a RTL-SDR device or HackRF One to your Pi, and start my module on the Pi.
Then start the Android App, and connect with your Pi.
In the up right Menu, choose to set the listening frequency for the RTL-SDR device, and set it to the frequency of your remote.

The App will now be listening for recognized signals, so press the button of your remote control.
In my case, I am pressing button 1 of my Nice Flor 433.92 Mhz:

The App will detect the signal, and send it to the server to decode the encrypted values of the remote, and ask you if you want to store it to your database.

In the Database-View you can see all your stored remotes:
If you have chosen to auto-store new signals, the word "Auto" will be put in front:

If you press short on a database entry, the app will send the signal of the stored remote to open the garage if your Pi is connected.

To edit/delete the database entry, press and hold the desired entry, and an action menu will appear and allow you to edit or delete an entry,
and depending on the vendor, more options may appear.


Creating a remote manually:

Creating a Keeloq-Remote manually:

As example we will be creating a "Beninca" remote manually, which is using Keeloq-Rolling-Code:

To create a Keeloq remote manually, go to the Database-View and choose the Menu-Entry: "Add Garage":

In the Address-Field you can name the remote to anything you like. Lets name it "test"

As System choose "Keeloq" :

As Vendor choose "Beninca"

Leave the fields "Retries", "Channel" and "Frequence" as they are.
The Pi-Module will use the stored default frequency for this remote automatically.
If you would like to use a different frequency like 868.5 MHz, you would enter: 868500000 in the "Frequence" field.

The important values are now "Serial", "Sync", and "Key Code".

Give your "Beninca"-Remote a new serial like 12345:

The Sync value will stay at 0 for a new remote.
This value will increase in future with each button press of the remote!

You can leave the "Key-Code" at 2, which is the default for Button 1 of a Beninca remote.
(Different Vendors are using different Key-Codes. Ask if you require further help)

Save this new entry, and you will see it in your database:

If you are connected with your Pi, and press this new entry, a new rolling code will be generated by the server, and sent by the Pi:
New in version 1.4: For rolling code vendors, five signals will be generated and stored in the app for offline usage!

To open your door, first you have to "learn" this new remote to your receiver.
Press the learning button on your receiver, and then press the new entry in the database to send the new signal.
(For the "learning" process, it could be useful to increase the "Retries" value of how often the signal sending should be repeated. Set it to 20, and restore it to 10 once the learning is completed.)
This new remote will be stored in your receiver, and open your garage/gate/car from now on.


Brute Forcing a Garage Code:

In case you have lost all of your remotes, and can't enter your garage, you can use brute forcing to find the correct code and open your garage again.

First go the main Page "Home / Grab Signal", and connect with your Pi:

Change to the Brute page, and select the System you would like to Brute.
Came is very common and widely used:

Press the "Play Button" to start the Brute process.

The bruting will start and display the current progress and estimated time:

When the door/gate/barrier is opening hit the Pause/Stop Button:

If it's a door that's closing after a certain amount of time automatically, wait until the door has closed.
At this time you still don't have the correct code to open the door, but you are close.
Now either hit the Back button manually a few times, until the door opens again,

or use the reverse button which will brute backwards but not so fast,

and wait until the door opens again.
Wait until the door has closed, and use this button to send the same code again.
If the door does not open, adjust by using the Next and Previous Buttons until the door opens.

Due to an Android Bug, it can happen that the Bluetooth connection gets lost at this point.
For this case a Reconnect Button will show up:

Use it to finished the job.

Once you have the right code, you can save it to your database with the menu entry "Add Code to DB":

My App will automatically select the current address using GPS and street data from Google and recommend its name for the database entry.

In the database Page you can edit this new garage entry as you like:

This Button will update the GPS coordinates at any time.

With the menu "Edit DIP", you can see what DIP settings have been or need to be used by an original remote:

In the Map View, you will be able to see a Marker for your new added address.

If you are connected to your Pi and click on this Marker, my App will send the signal to open the garage door.


Automatically open approaching Garage in close range:

New feature added in version 1.1:

If the Map View is open, and position tracking and AutoOpenCloseGarage is enabled, Garages that you approach within a distance of 50 Meters will be opened automatically,
 without the need to press any button.
The App must be connected to the Pi using Bluetooth, and must have an internet connection.


View Edit Remote DIP Settings:

New feature added in version 1.1:

Now you can edit / view the DIP Settings of your original Remote:

You can reach this option in the Database View, by selecting an entry and choosing the action menu item: Show/Edit DIPs:



Remote learning new remotes to receiver with 1 click:

New feature added in version 1.4:

Now you can add / learn new "remotes" remotely to a receiver with 1 click:
(This is working only if a remote learning feature is supported and enabled by the receiver!)

In the database view, select two Entries with the same brand/vendor.
The first selected entry will be the "Master"-remote, and the second will be your new "Slave"-remote, which you want to add.
(The Master-remote must be already working with the receiver!)

In this example, the brand Beninca will be used:
Make sure "master" and "slave" do have different serial numbers in your database!

From the action menu, select: "Remote-learn":

You will get a reminder-dialog, which will also show the two selected entries:

Another dialog will show the standard procedure to learn a new remote for this brand / vendor:
(This is just for your information)

After clicking on "START LEARN", the learning process will do everything automatically:

Here the hidden button of the "Master"-remote will be pressed for 3 seconds:

Now the button which should be used will be pressed on the "Master"-remote:

Finally the same button on the "Slave"-remote will be pressed:

Depending on the brand, wait 5 seconds up to one minute, until the receiver ends the programming procedure, and your new remote should open the door.


Requesting a Seed Brute-Force using the Android App

New feature added in version 1.4:

Now you can submit a brute force request to the server, to recover the Seed-Code of your remote.

At first, please follow the guide to get a remote signal into the database:
Cloning/Copying/Grabbing a Remote Control into the database

Copy between 2 or 4 signals into the database like below:

Select the new entries, and choose on the top right action menu: "Brute Seed":

A Dialog will appear and ask if it is a BFT or Erreka remote:

After selecting BFT or Erreka, a short message will tell you if the request was successfully transmitted:

At this point, give the server some time, and later you can check at any time if the bruting was successfull:
Select any of your copied signals, which was already changed to the selected brand/vendor (BFT in this example),
and choose from the action menu: "Check bruted Seed":

If your request is still pending, you will see this:

Sometimes it can happen that multiple possible seed-codes matched at bruting-time.
In such cases, please repeat all steps above with new copied signals, and repeat the bruting request:

If the seed was successfully recovered, you can store it to your database entry with a click on "STORE":

If the seed is correct, the copied signal will be decoded and updated in the database:

If you check your database entry, you can see the recovered seed:

This new entry should now open your door/gate/barrier :)


Copying/Cloning a BFT Remote

New feature added in version 1.4:

Copying a BFT remote is special, because it is using a SEED code, which needs to be transmitted prior the actual copying process.

Start the App and connect with your Pi:

If your Remote has a hidden button, press the hidden button, otherwise keep pressing button 1 and 2 until the Seed-Code has been received:

At this point, the Seed-Code will be stored for all future receptions, until another Seed-Code reception is detected, or a Seed-Brute-Force gets requested.

Now press the button of the Remote, you would like to copy:

Your remote will be detected, and the signal decoded using the last stored SEED.

Now you can store it to the database:

Clicking this entry will open your door/gate/barrier.

To copy this remote to a remote-cloner device, or to learn it into a receiver, you will need to transmit the Seed-Code first.
You can do this by selecting the database entry, like you would like to edit it:

From the action menu choose: "Send Seed Code":

The Seed-Code will be transmitted for 3 seconds:

After this, press the database entry to send the button signal of this remote, and it is learned to the receiver or copied to a cloner.


Copying/Cloning a FAAC / Genius Amigo Remote

New feature added in version 1.4:

Start the App and connect with your Pi:

For FAAC / Genius Amigo, you will have to repeat these steps for each button:

Press button 1 and 2 until the LED of the remote starts flashing.
Now press the button, which you would like to copy, to transmit the Seed-Code of this button:

At this point, the Seed-Code will be stored for all future receptions, until another Seed-Code reception is detected, or a Seed-Brute-Force gets requested.

Now press the same button of the Remote again to transmit the signal:

Your remote will be detected, and the signal decoded.

Now you can store it to the database:

Clicking this entry will open your door/gate/barrier.

To copy this remote to a remote-cloner device, or to learn it into a receiver, you will need to transmit the Seed-Code first.
You can do this by selecting the database entry, like you would like to edit it:

From the action menu choose: "Send Seed Code":

The Seed-Code will be transmitted for 3 seconds:

After this, press the database entry to send the button signal of this remote, and it is learned to the receiver or copied to a cloner.


Recovering FAAC Seed using Flipper and the Android App

If you have a FAAC slave remote, you are in trouble getting the Seed-Code, for using it in Flipper zero.

But with the Android App, you are able to recover it using brute force attack.

Start your Flipper in Sub_GHz mode, and make 4 captures of one button of your FAAC remote:


Select each of the 4 captures, and write down the deatils.
Take care to start with the first capture and select each next capture in the correct direction (not backwards!):

Write down the Fix and Hop parts:
(For FAAC make sure to use the entire FIX part and not the Sn part!)

Fix part is the serial number of this remote and for all captures identical: A0AC0001

           The Hops are changing of course:

Now use any Hex to Binary converter, to convert these HEX-values to binary digits.
A good one is here: https://www.rapidtables.com/convert/number/hex-to-binary.html

Windows integrated calculator will do this job too:


Make sure the result has 32 digits. Put in front leading zeros if it's not 32 digits long:



Also convert the serial nr from HEX to Binary and put leading 0 to make it 32 digits:


Concatenate the serial with all 4 hop codes to four new strings like this:


The serial goes on the left, the hop part on the right.
These numbers can be copied to the Android App easily if you use a remote software like Teamviewer or Anydesk on your PC and Phone.

Now start the Android App and use the Menu to change to the Database, and choose there from the Action-Menu "Add Garage":

In the Address field, you can put anything to describe this entry. Lets put FAAC1 in there:
And as System, choose FAAC XT/Genius Amigo:

In the Code field, put the first digit-string which you created before:
And leave the Vendor at RAW:

Save this entry, and for the next three entries you can simply copy this new created entry:

Give the new copied entries new names, and copy the 64 digit string into the Code field, and save.

Now select all 4 entries, and choose from the Action-menu: Brute Seed:

Hit the Submit Button to send this brute request to the server.
Give the server a few minutes to brute the seed code.
Later select the first entry, and choose from the Action-Menu: Check bruted Seed:

If the bruting was successfull, you will see the Seed-Code:

Take this decimal number and convert it to HEX with any hex-converter.
This will be now your SEED which you have to put into your Flipper .sub file:


Example FAAC_SLH.sub file:


Filetype: Flipper SubGhz Key File
Version: 1
Frequency: 433920000
Preset: FuriHalSubGhzPresetOok650Async
Protocol: Faac SLH
Bit: 64
Key: A0 AC 00 01 39 0F F2 43
Seed: 8B 55 82 0B



Example BFT.sub file:


Filetype: Flipper SubGhz Key File
Version: 1
Frequency: 433920000
Preset: FuriHalSubGhzPresetOok650Async
Protocol: KeeLoq
Bit: 64
Key: A0 AC 00 01 39 0F F2 43
Seed: 8B 55 82 0B
Manufacture: BFT


Once the direct interface between Android App and Flipper zero is completed, this SEED recovery will be automated.


Flipper zero Keeloq devicekey usage

Using Flipper zero with some Keeloq remotes, which are using "Normal decrypt" or "Secure decrypt",
 is already possible by getting a device key for your remote, which you can request by Email.

(Check out the Keeloq-Remotes-List on top to figure out what decrypt method your vendor is using)

Remotes which are using "Normal decrypt" or "Secure decrypt", are creating a device key, on which a "Simple decrypt" is used to encrypt the signal.
Because Flipper zero is able to handle Keeloq simple decrypt, there is no problem in passing you the device key for your remote.
By using the device key in Flipper zero, you can open your Garage, and still feel save about using rolling code.

But please keep in mind about this fact here: How Rolling Codes are working.

If you rather would like to use your Flipper zero as a second remote, you would need to use a different serial number, and "learn" that into the receiver first.
Just send an email if you have further questions.


Automatic Flipper rolling code .sub file creation

As a quick support shot, there is now an option to create .sub files ready to use for Flipper zero,
for rolling code remotes,
using the Raspberry Pi and Android App solution.

Currently only working for Keeloq remotes, but can quickly be made available for other rolling code remotes too, on request.

The Android App has a new option to enable the creation of Flipper .sub files:

Whenever you open a garage using the App either through Database view or MAP view,
.sub files will be created on the Raspberry Pi in folder: /home/pi/rf/
starting with the name "Keeloq", followed by internal Keeloq-ID and sync value, like this


These .sub files will contain RAW signals which are ready to send over the air and open the garage.

Using this solution you can for example create at home ten .sub files with the next 10 sync values of a remote.
Then transferring this .sub files to your flipper,
you will be able to open your rolling code garage the next 10 times with your flipper :)

Once you have used up all 10 sync values, you can create another 10 .sub files an so on...

For transferring files from/to Raspberry Pi, use WinSCP.
It's free and easy to use.

(Please do not abuse this functionality by creating thousands of .sub files at once for multiple remotes, by using scripts, or your account will be suspended!)

Once the direct interface between Android App and Flipper zero is completed, this method will be automated or removed if no longer needed.

Automatic analyzing of Flipper RAW .sub files using Raspberry Pi

You have recorded a signal, and don't know what vendor and rolling code is used?

A new feature is analyzing Flipper .sub files which contain RAW data recordings.


Transfer your recorded .sub file to the Raspberry Pi into the folder: /home/pi/rf/
and rename the file to:
(You can use WinSCP for easy file transfer between a PC and a Pi)

Now start or re-start the module on the pi with:

sudo /home/pi/rf/rfcomm-server -vvv

Wait until Bluetooth is initialized and these green lines show up:

After those 10 seconds, you can connect with your Android App to the Pi.

If the file FlipperRaw.sub exits, it will be read,  and the raw signals will be analyzed:

If a signal gets detected, it will be decoded, and the details will be printed, like in this example were a Keeloq transmission has been detected:

Please don't get confused by the word "decoded" !
Decoding in this matter means, that the transmitted packet will be decoded into bits, which is needed for further decryption.
A decryption of a rolling code signal will not be happening on the Pi!

If you are connected with the Android App to the Pi, the detected signal will be sent to the Android App, which sends the signal to the server for decryption.
If the signal gets successfully decrypted, you will see it in the Android App like this:


Do not forget to remove or rename FlipperRaw.sub on the Pi!
Otherwise the same analyze will happen on each restart of the Pi module.


Flipper zero support facts:

As there is a high demand on having all above systems working with Flipper zero, there will be a possibility to use the Android App with Flipper zero soon.

In any case, you will need a custom firmware for flipper zero to unleash its full potential!
This one is recommended:

Warning about official Flipper zero forum deleting good posts:

Official Flipper zero forum administrators are deleting informative posts without real reason!

Below is a screenshot of my former forum post without further comment!
Decide for yourself:


Version History:

Version Date Changes Download
v1.58 05 Dec 2024  - added new Remote: Tau 250 T4 / 250-K-SLIM-RP

USD 39.-

or buy in Bitcoin now

v1.57 21 Feb 2024  - added new Remote: Somfy IO Homecontorl using AES 128 bit


v1.56 31 Jan 2024  - added new Remote: Hormann BiSecur 128 bit custom AES
v1.55 28 Jan 2024  - added new Remote: Cardin S508 128 bit


v1.54 12 Jan 2024  - added new Remote: Beninca TO.GO AES 128bit

v1.53 20 Dec 2023  - added new Remote: Normstahl Entrematic ZENPxMT AES 128bit Obsolete
v1.52 21 Jun 2023  - added full LRS restaurant pager support, with bruting.
v1.5 09 Jun 2023  - added new Remotes: Kinggates Stylo 4 K; IL-100; HCS101; FAAC TM433; SMD LW40HS98; Multicode; Stanley; Pulsar; Overhead;Kia K3 11-19 / K3S 14-19 / K5/Sportage R 15 / K4 13-16; Hyundai OKA-870T

 - added de Bruijn bruting algorythm.
 - added configurable CC1101 settings

v1.4 24 Apr 2022  - added 1-button remote learning into receiver for supported receivers
 - added buffering of rolling codes for offline usage
 - added Server Seed brute forcing
 - added Seed Code transmission detection
 - added sending ability for CC1101 module
v1.3 20 Apr 2022  - added many new supported rolling code remotes
 - added some new features
v1.1 18 Aug 2021

 - added many new features
 - fixed a few bugs

v1.0 25 Jun 2021

 - first Release



For further questions and informations joing the Telegram group : https://t.me/rfremote or Discord support server

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